Below are examples of how to write the function's parameter
Non-member Functions:
- Normal Function: simply write the function prototype, such as:
"int sum(int , int)"
- Template Function write the function prototype along with the template definition:
"template <typename T> T myMax1(T &, T)"
- Function with array parameter:
"int print_array(int size, int a *)"
Member Functions:
- Normal & Template Fucntions:
- You need to add the name of the parent class:
"template <typename T> T MyClass:: myMax2(T &, T)"
"void MyClass:: print()"
- You need to add the name of the parent class:
- Static:
- Write the static key word at the beginning of the prototype:
"static void MyClass::eat()"
- Write the static key word at the beginning of the prototype:
- const:
"double MyClass:: getArea() const"
- virtual:
"virtual double MyClass:: getArea() const"
- pure virtual:
"virtual double MyClass:: getArea() const = 0"
- constructor:
"MyClass :: MyClass()"
- initiaizer list:
"MyClass :: MyClass(int, double, char) : myInt()"
- copy constructor:
"MyClass :: MyClass(const MyClass&)"
- destructor:
"MyClass :: ~MyClass()"