
What is Isolator?

Isolator tool isolates the whole code from a given function or class inside destination code and replaces the isolated function or class from source code inside destination code. It consists of two parts, IsolateFunction and IsolateClass.


Isolate Function

isolate f source.cpp destination.cpp "function prototype"

Isolate Class

isolate c source.cpp destination.cpp "class class-name"

By default, it only isolates the class with its member functions' implementation. Adding the option '-all' gives more options:

How does it work?

Isolator will search for the desired function\class inside source.cpp and take a copy of it, after that it will search for the desired function\class inside destination.cpp and inserts it in the appropriate place as described below. Searching for a function or class depends on signature matching.

Where it will be inserted?

Isolate fucntion:

Non-member function:

Function's prototype will be inserted in the beginnig of the code, and function's implementation will be inserted at the end of the code.

Member function:

Isolate Class:

Class found in destination code:

Original class will be commented and the copied class from source.cpp will be pasted in the exact place of the original class in detination.cpp

Class not found in destination.cpp:

The copied class from source.cpp will be pasted at the end of detination.cpp

Error Scenarios:

The following cases outputs an error message

Isolate Function:

Non-member Functions:

Member Functions:

Isolate Class:




While isolating a member function, writing the class on one lines results with errors. Please write the class on at least 2 lines. Write the class on 2 lines or more inside your .cpp file
class x{}
class x{

For reference on how to write functions' parameters, please check the reference page