Whats CommentController:
CommentControl tool allows the user to control comments by extracting or removing comments, or by commenting out certain classes or functions.
Extract Comments:
This tool will extract all the comments from a C++ file and output the comments.
commentCtrl e source.cpp
Extract Header:
This tool will extract all header comments from a C++ file and output the comments.
commentCtrl h source.cpp
Delete Comments:
This tool will delete all the comments from a .cpp or .h file and output the source code.
commentCtrl d source.cpp
Comment Out Function:
This tool will comment out a function implementation from a C++ file using a function prototype and output the new code.
commentCtrl f source.cpp "function prototype"
Comment Out Class:
This tool will comment out a Class implementation from a C++ file and output the new code.
commentCtrl c source.cpp "class class-name"
By default, it only comments the class with its member functions' implementation. Adding the option '-all' gives more options:
Comments the class with all its dependent classes (inherited classes and friend classes).
commentCtrl c source.cpp "class class-name" -all t
Comments the class definition only.
commentCtrl c source.cpp "class class-name" -all c
Output options
-o followed by the path of the file you want the output to be saved in (The default is printing the output on the terminal).
Example command with option:
Write on a new file:
commentCtrl d source.cpp -o new.cpp
Write on the same file
commentCtrl d source.cpp -o source.cpp
For reference on how to write functions' parameters, please check the reference page